Success Story 5: 39 YO M
Pre Treatment

Initial Situation
Large right lower thyroid nodule and several smaller nodules. Complains of difficulty with swallowing and difficulty breathing and pressure sensation when trying to exercise. Symptom score 3/5. TSH 1.7. multiple nodule biopsies are all benign. Patient does not desire surgery if nodules are benign. Nodule measures 31 ml.
31 ml nodule treated with 116,975 joules of energy under local anesthesia using a 10mm RFA probe.
One Month Post

Patient claims that symptoms of difficulty with swallowing and difficulty with breathing have subsided completely. Symptom score 1/5. Nodule volume now decreased from 31 to 21.25 ml. 31% volume reduction in 4 weeks!
Eight Months Post

Patient denies all symptoms in neck. He is very impressed how his nodule has decreased in size. Nodule now measures 7.8ml. 75% nodule volume reduction!
Contact Us
2320 N. Third Street
Phoenix, AZ 85004
tel: 602-889-2923
fax: 602-889-2925
Opening Hours
Mon - Thur
7:30 am – 4:30 pm
7:30 am – 4:00 pm
Closed M-F
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm